In the morning I found out why my linen was being gradually shredded.
"Get back vile demon!"
"You shall not pass!! I say, you shall not pass!!!"
How has this happened? I'll need to cancel tea with Master Sidious again, how unfortunate.
"Hello, Palpatine speaking."
"Good morning old chap!"
"Uhhhh... Dooku stay off the old stuff, you know I'm sensitive about my age."
"Well, I just have to say that I'm felling dreadful, and won't be able to make our morning tea today. I'll send you some tea for you to have."
"No, no, no… you don’t need to go to all that effort for me!"
"But I insist, it will be with you before 10."
All in all, it wasn’t the most spiffing day that I’ve had.
OH NO!!!
Oh, and sorry your not feeling well either.
But the crumpets are good.