Access Granted: Welcome General *cough* Grievous
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Assault on Coruscant - Part 5
I'm down in the lower levels of Coruscant - I can't talk long, they might trace my signal - we're trying to find some people who will help us but they're not too helpful down he-

Wait I hear something...

Ignites lightsabers and runs to stand to the side of the only door in the room.

The door starts to open.

Grievous plunges his blade through the door skewering the object behuind it.

Damn that was my droid getting back with lunch, I did tell it to knock before entering.
posted by General Grievous at 6:44 pm | Permalink |


  • At 8:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

    Hey so I guess my driods are not the only ones around with that problem. Mine tend to either ignore me or not listen at all. I beleive it's some bug developed by the Republic to destroy your army.

    Ohh by the way I should be done with your medicine by tomorrow. So when you get off Coruscant saftly let me know.
